Plastic Is SUS
Plastic Is SUS 〰️

Everything we do is SUStainable: recycled, reused, and biodegradable materials are our ingredients.
We believe in and support small and local businesses. We don’t work with Amazon or anyone who plays the fast-fashion game. Everything here is SUStainable. While we don’t like to toot this horn too loudly, SUS is a minority-owned business. Taylor Dubose founded SUS in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, to help solve the
plastic problem.
We guarantee all of our bags and backpacks for as long as you have them. Your SUS bag should last as long as
you do.
Make a Sustainable Impact: Keep Trash and Plastic Out of Landfills!
Keeping trash out of landfills is crucial for a sustainable future. One effective way to achieve this is by promoting recycling and encouraging individuals to minimize waste. At SUS, we use the same plastic that would go into recycling, and turn it into our bags! Together, we can contribute to preserving our environment and ensuring a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.