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SUS's 2024

2024 was record-breaking for SUS; from the number of bottles removed from the waste stream to the number of markets attended. Here are the stats-

16,412 BOTTLES

repurposed into bags, hats, and backpacks.


collected through SUS's Reborn Initiative where SUS, and its volunteers, repaired them and got them to humans in need.


attended throughout the year; 40 places around New England we were able connect with our community and give back.

And speaking of community, we would like to thank you for following along with SUS's journey. Without you, this small, Boston-based business would not have had the amazing year it did.

We want your input- products you'd like to see, color schemes for new and existing products, directions for new partnerships, etc. It's 10 questions and only takes a few minutes. As an added bonus, you'll get $10 in credit towards the SUS website when you complete the survey.